The quaint, rustic cabins are located directly south of the town hall building.
"In 2019, Jellystone Campground gifted five cabins to the Town of Larkspur. After a few moves, a little sprucing up, and getting them ADA compliant with ramps, the cabins are now being used for commercial purposes!"
- Town of Larkspur newsletter ( Feb '23)
Important things to note:
The cabins do not have any water or bathroom facilities. Clients may use the public bathrooms located in the town park, just a short walk directly south of the cabins. Keep this in mind when coming for your appointment and plan accordingly.
Massage at Cabin #4 is somewhat weather dependent. In the event the temperature is below freezing or above 95 degrees, massage will not be available at Cabin #4.
I am available to come to the homes of existing clients for an additional charge of $100.
A minimum of 2 hours massage time.

8720 Spruce Mountain Rd.
Larkspur, CO 80118
Cabin #4 directly south of town hall.
Parking is to the west and south of Town Hall. Please park head-in.